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Free Yourself from Back and Neck Pain at Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery

While the issue of small breasts can greatly affect a woman’s confidence and self-esteem, unhappiness with large breasts is more prevalent than one might think. In fact, larger breasts can contributed to a wide array of health issues and can be psychologically challenging for a woman to deal with on a daily basis. In cases like these, the most viable option to treat this issue is breast reduction surgery.

Health Issues Associated with Large Breasts
Although some women may choose to undergo breast reduction surgery for cosmetic reasons, more often than not patients invest in surgery in order to alleviate recurring health issues. Larger breasts are characterized by additional weight on one’s chest, even when doing physical activities like bending over and lifting items. Therefore, this constant strain can create back pain that is unlikely to be resolved through alternative treatments. Oftentimes, this pain can even interfere with daily activities, such as working, exercising, even walking for long periods of time. Shoulder and back pain are also associated with large-breasted patients.

Expectations of Breast Reduction Surgery
While there is no miracle cure for this issue, reduction surgeries can aide in alleviating pain and psychological issues that are associated with large breasts. As with any other surgery, patients will be required to stay in the hospital for monitoring for a certain period of time. Although pain medication will be prescribed, some pain/discomfort can be expected and the risk for infection is always present. A supportive dressing and/or bra will be necessary in the weeks to follow, and patients can expect to take approximately six weeks off from work and any other strenuous physical activities. Though breasts will be smaller and more symmetrical, it is unrealistic to believe that they will be perfectly identical. In addition, a permanent scar will document your journey. Although the scar may fade, it is unlikely to ever completely disappear.

Choosing a Surgeon
Despite the initial yearning to save money on such an expansive surgery, finding a qualified surgeon to perform the surgery should be the top priority. Surgeons who are able to predict the end result with enhanced technology and who have exceptional experience in performing this type of surgery is highly recommended. For patients who are ready to learn more about their personal reduction options, contact Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery.

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Mastoplexy at Spalding Plastic Surgery can be through various techniques

Mastoplexy, or breast lift surgery, is a surgical procedure that corrects the size, contour and elevation of sagging breasts. This sagging, also referred to as ptosis, occurs due to the effects of age, gravity, pregnancy or weight loss. During mastoplexy, the skin is tightened and the areola is repositioned to create a better, more youthful breast contour.

Mastoplexy at Spalding Plastic Surgery can be through various techniques, but there are three procedures that are most popular:  cocentric mastoplexy, vertical mastoplexy and anchor-shaped mastoplexy. General anesthesia is administered in all these procedures.

Concentric mastoplexy, also known as Benelli mastoplexy, is the least invasive procedure. In this procedure, concentric circles are drawn around the patient’s sagging areola. The surgeon removes the skin and fat tissue around the markings. When enough fat and tissue has been removed, the surgeon moves the patient’s nipple and areola upward. Then, the surgeon sutures the remaining surrounding tissue to the areola. This results in the woman having rounder, flatter and more proportionate breasts rather than a sloped breast. This procedure is ideal for women who have small, sagging breasts with nipples that have dropped to the breast crease. This procedure is not for women with large breasts, though.

With vertical mastoplexy, the plastic surgeon makes a vertical incision, descending from the areola to the bottom of the breast, across the chests. Then, the surgeon cuts a strip of skin along this incision and removes some excess skin. Once enough skin and tissue has been removed, the surgeon stitches the two sides and closes the incision. This procedure is useful in moderate ptosis- nipples that have dropped below the level of the breast. Plus, this procedure leaves much less scarring then concentric mastoplexy.

The most popular method is the anchor-shaped mastoplexy procedure. It can be performed on any person and even in advanced ptosis where the nipples point to the floor. The surgeon makes an anchor-shaped incision while following the natural contour of the patient’s breast. The surgeon removes excess skin and breast tissue around the skin and reshapes the breast. The procedure ends with the surgeon stitching the patient’s skin. The anchor contour is followed vertically down the chest as well as to the sides. This is the safest and most effective mastoplexy procedure.

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Collagen is a protein which gives the skin its firmness and volume.


Sculptra is a dermal filler that is made out of ingredients which are safe for the human body. One of the key ingredients is poly-L-lactic acid. This ingredient is used for other purposes. Surgical stitches are made from poly-L-acid, which is considered safe and has been used for many years. The FDA approved poly-L-acid for cosmetic use in 2009.

How Does Treatment Work?
This product reduces signs of aging. It can lessen the appearance of folds, wrinkles, smile lines, horizontal lines on the forehead, and nasolabial lines. This filler can also lift up and firm areas of sunken skin caused by scars.

This makes the scars less visible. This treatment can help rejuvenate the corners of the mouth but it is not intended for use as a lip enhancer. This product is not for people who have sensitive skin or skin infections.

This product stimulates the skin to product collagen. Collagen is a protein which gives the skin its firmness and volume. Spending a lot of time out in the sun and age inhibit collagen. This causes wrinkles and folds in the skin.
the treatment helps bring back the collagen causing the skin to take on a more firm and youthful appearance.

The results from this treatment can vary. Some people will get their desired results after the first treatment. Others will need a few more treatments. It’s best to wait at least four weeks before getting another treatment.

Patients will receive a topical anesthetic before the treatment begins. The treatment is a powder that is combined with sterile water. It is injected deep into sunken cheeks, skin folds and other treatment areas. It takes about one hour to do the procedure.

Patients may notice a little swelling, bruising, redness, and itching after the procedure. Massaging the treatment site helps reduce the chances of developing lumps or small nodules beneath the skin. It’s worth the time to do this because it may take months for these lumps to go away.
Patients will notice that their skin looks different immediately after the procedure. The skin will have more volume. This is caused by the water in the treatment solution and is only temporary.

The actual changes will occur once the ingredients from the treatment cause the formation of new collagen. It takes weeks for this to happen. The final results from Sculptra last for up to two years. That’s about how long it takes for the body to absorb the key ingredients from the treatment.

Individuals interested in Fat Grafting or any other services at Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery can contact the center directly and schedule appointments at 818-385-0066 or online at

More women are using fat grafting to augment their breasts

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting, also known as fat transfer, allows patients to contour their bodies using their own tissue. This procedure involves removing fat from one area of the body and putting it somewhere else. The fat is usually gathered from a region which has excess fat.

A surgeon will extract the fat using a syringe which is attached to a harvesting cannula. The fat is usually harvested from the stomach, hips, inner knee, and outer thigh. Blood and other fluids in the fat are cleared to minimize pain. The fat is then injected into the recipient site of the patient.

Some medical experts believe that fat transfer has many advantages over other cosmetic procedures. One benefit is that the procedure uses the patient’s own tissue so the body won’t reject it. Fat grafts are injected into many different layers of the skin so the fat cells are more likely to find a nearby blood supply.

Fat Grafts to the Hand
Some people develop deep groves or sun spots on their hands. Fat injections can enhance the appearance of the hands. Fat injections are becoming a popular way for people to rejuvenate their hands. Some dermatologists use dermal fillers but these fillers only offer temporary results. Fat transfers offer results which last for years.

Facial Fat Grafts
Fat injections can also rejuvenate the face. Fat is harvested and prepared using liposuction. The fat is then injected into the desired areas of the face. The most common uses are to fill forehead lines, sunken areas below the eyes, and smile lines. It is also used to augment the cheeks.

Practitioners sometimes use a micro injection technique for this procedure. It involves placing very small parcels of fat into several layers of the face. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia with a light oral sedation.

Breast Augmentation
More women are using fat grafting to augment their breasts. Research suggests that fat transfers to the breast can produce lasting results. Also, it will not interfere with the detection of breast cancer. This procedure can reshape the breasts of women who have had mastectomies, or faulty breast implants.

Buttocks Augmentation
Fat grafting in the buttocks is also growing in popularity. This procedure, known as a gluteoplasty or Brazilian butt lift, can give a person a curvier bottom. Small incisions are made in the patient’s gluteal cheeks. The surgeon then puts fat cells at several levels throughout the patient’s buttocks.

Individuals interested in Fat Grafting or any other services at Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery can contact the center directly and schedule appointments at 818-385-0066 or online at

Facelift Surgery Basics

Facelift surgery is cosmetic procedure also known as rhytidectomy. It is used to make the patient look younger and to remove problems caused by aging. With this surgery, it is possible to remove sagging from the face, wrinkles, loose skin and issues associated with facial muscle tone. During a facelift, it’s possible to do also perform a brow lift or surgery on the eyelids. It’s important to know that there are limits to what facelift surgery can do and it won’t stop you from aging in the future.

Before surgery, you must go through lab testing, stop smoking and avoid taking certain medications. You must also ask someone to pick you up after the surgery, since you won’t be able to drive for a few hours after having anesthesia.

The procedure starts with anesthesia. For traditional facelift surgery, an incision is made on the hairline, circling around the ears and reaching the lower scalp. Then, fat is redistributed or sculpted and deeper layers of skin as well as muscles are lifted. Excessive skin is then removed. To work on the neck area, another incision is made under the chin. After facelift surgery, the lines from the incisions are hidden under the hairline or in the contours of the face. The final results of the facelift can be seen after bruising and swelling go down.

After the surgery, you will get instructions on how to care for your skin as well as medications to help during recovery. You will be required to go for a followup appointment with your surgeon. It can take up to six months until you fully recover and all the swelling is gone. Results are long lasting and you won’t need another surgery for years to come. Avoiding direct sunlight and living a healthy lifestyle can keep your skin youthful for longer, too.

Like with any surgery, there are certain risks involved, including scarring, bleeding, anesthesia risks and infection. Whenever something like this occurs, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Generally, though, patients don’t experience these side effects.

For more information about facelift surgery, visit

Liposuction FAQ

Liposuction is the removal of extra fat from the body. When fat forms into stubborn bulges, it is not always possible to remove it by exercising alone. Many people who are considering liposuction have multiple questions they need answered before moving forward.

What is the basic body requirement for liposuction?

The best candidate for Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery will have an average body weight. However, liposuction patients can be slightly above their average suggested body weight and still qualify for the surgery. Skin should be firm and elastic. Overall, the health of the patient should be in good standing. Most importantly, the pockets of fat to be surgically removed should be ones that do not respond well to diet and exercise.

Do I still have to diet and exercise after liposuction?

It is very important to maintain your body and stay at a healthy weight following liposuction, which means that you should stay active and eat a healthy, nutritious diet moving forward.

What is the recovery period after liposuction surgery?

The recovery period depends on the method that was used for liposuction and also on the patient’s body. Typically, though, a normal recovery period is between two days and two weeks.

Does liposuction remove cellulite, too?

Liposuction doesn’t necessarily remove cellulite, which is responsible for that puckering you see underneath your skin. It will, however, improve the overall silhouette of your body and possibly reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Is liposuction a permanent method?

As long as the patient continues to care for their body and doesn’t gain weight following surgery, their new silhouette will stay intact. The fat cells that are removed from the body through liposuction don’t eventually grow back. Also, if a patient is to gain weight following surgery, they won’t notice as much of a gain in the places where they’ve had liposuction.

Contact one of Spalding Plastic Surgery’s expert doctors for a personal consultation today.

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SpaldingPlasticSurgery – Liposuction Recovery

Liposuction Recovery

Swelling and bruising are normal parts of the healing process after getting liposuction surgery. However, that doesn’t meant that you don’t want to do whatever you can to heal quickly. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to help the bruising and swelling heal after you’ve had lipo.

Compression Garments

These garments are made from tight cloth and are meant to reduce swelling on areas that have just had surgery. Constant pressure helps swelling to go down as it aids your skin in healing. While compressions garments can be uncomfortable, they’re very effective and often doctor recommended.

Diet & Medicine

Until the swelling goes down, avoid drinking alcohol, eating spicy foods and having a lot of salt in your diet. All of these things can contribute to bloating, which will mean you’ll stay swollen for longer. Basic, over-the-count anti-inflammatory medicines, like Advil, will help reduce swelling, too but be careful not to take them too soon after surgery.

Lymphatic Drain Massage

Some massage therapists specialize in Lymphatic Drain Massage, which helps to speed up recovery time and reduce swelling. This type of massage can help with both swelling and bruising. Often, lymphatic fluids are what contribute to the dark color of bruises. However, massage isn’t recommended for every liposuction patient. Ask your doctor if this is a good option for you. Otherwise, you could end up doing more damage than good.

Creams for Bruises

Some body lotions boast being able to reduce bruising. These products work for some people while they’re ineffective for others. It’s still worth a try, though, in case you end up with a positive effect. These lotions can be found in most health food stores.

Time & Patience!

Other than that, bruises will usually go away on their own after just a couple of weeks. Waiting is often the only way to get rid of bruising. Whatever tactics you do employ, it’s important to steer clear of a few “cures.” First of all, never apply ice or a heating product to the area where you’ve had liposuction. It’s also important to keep the surgery area dry and avoid bathing and swimming until the incisions are well into healing (about two weeks). Lastly, never try to clean your wounds using hydrogen peroxide.

Contact one of Spalding Plastic Surgery’s expert doctors for a personal consultation today.

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Hips Liposuction: Who Gets It & What Is It?

Common areas for people to have liposuction are the hips and thighs, making hip liposuction an extremely common procedure. Often times, this is due to genetics, and these areas will be disproportionate compared to the other parts of the body. This is commonly known as a pear shaped body structure, more common in women than in men. Exercise and diet does help in making the body look symmetrical. Luckily, with the advancement of technology, doctors have found an easier way to give you the look you desire and make it perfectly symmetrical.

Body Proportion Issues

Being pear-shaped is not always a problem, especially if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. The problem is that not everyone can maintain a good fat-to-muscle ratio, so they tend be self-conscious. If you can’t take care of this problem with diet and exercise, cosmetic surgery may be needed. Undergoing hip liposuction can be justified in this situation, especially if it is affecting you emotionally.

The Operation

When Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery and Dermatology is performed on the hip area, the doctor is usually dealing with large areas of fat. This means that different suction instruments are used in one surgery. You do not have to worry about the size of the incision because the surgeon will make certain that the cut is as small as possible.

Post Operation

After the procedure, swelling and pain in the operated area can be expected, but anything that seems to be excessive should be reported immediately. There is a slight chance of infection. If you suspect infection, do not hesitate to call your doctor.

Hip liposuction can make a big difference in making your body look symmetrical, which can help you feel better about yourself. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the results of the procedure should last for a long time.

Contact one of the expert doctors for a personal consultation today.

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What are the Benefits of Liposuction?

There are many liposuction benefits for people who are considering the surgery. The main benefits are fat removal and weight loss. While liposuction alone is not an instant weight loss solution, when it is paired with diet and exercise, it can result in long term and successful weight loss. The removal of disproportionate fat is also a liposuction benefit. Most people equate weight loss with fat removal, but they are actually separate things. Removal of fat is not necessary for weight loss, but it improves the body’s chances of losing weight. It also helps the body to look more toned and sculpted by reducing fat deposits, cellulite, and unsightly jiggling while walking.

Another of the many liposuction benefits is that it can reduce the pressure placed on internal organs by removing excess fat. This contributes to overall better health, especially regarding the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. For people who are struggling with their weight and are afraid it’s going to affect their health and even length of life, liposuction can be the answer.

Liposuction also helps to improve appearance. Skin that was stretched by fat deposits and cellulite normally returns to its naturally smooth state. When a person likes how they look, their confidence is restored and increases. Spaldingplasticsurgery can help them with pursuing a job, getting a new relationship or simply loving their body.

This procedure can provides the ability to get rid of those pesky areas that other treatments like diet and exercise can’t. The most popular areas for liposuction are the legs and belly. These, along with the hips and waist, are very difficult places to get rid of fat, regardless of how much focus is on them during exercise routines. Liposuction reshapes the part of the body that receives the treatment, giving the patient their ideal bikini belly, toned legs or slim neck.

Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor to see previous results on patients as well as certifications.

Contact one of Spalding Plastic Surgery’s expert doctors for a personal consultation today.

For more information please visit: Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery

Recovering from Liposuction in Beautiful Beverly Hills

A typical liposuction procedure usually takes between one and five hours. Since the doctors are going to use sedation and local or general anesthetic to perform the procedure, you will need someone with you when you are discharged from the surgery center following liposuction in Beverly Hills. Following surgery, be prepared to stay at home for a few days until as you gradually recover and until you can go back to your normal daily tasks and schedule.

After getting liposuction in Beverly Hills, the affected area is going to feel a bit sore and tender. In fact, many people who have undergone the procedure say that it is tantamount to having a large bruise. In some cases, the bruise itself may indeed appear. The skin is usually red for a few days after the procedure. If large areas of the body were worked on, pain relievers may be prescribed by your doctor. Patients, who have tumescent liposuction done on them, which often entails injection with a saline solution, may have the liquid draining from the incision for a few days. The area may also swell, depending on the amount of fat that was removed. You will not be able to recognize the affects of your liposuction in Beverly Hills until the swelling subsides. During Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery , these side effects may last for up to two weeks.

Many patients find the swelling to be the most traumatizing side effect during the liposuction recovery period. Since these side effects may obscure the overall benefits of the procedure, it important to manage them. It is advised that you stay hydrated throughout the liposuction recovery period. Also, follow a healthy, sodium free diet. It’s important to rest for a few days before returning back to work and your regular life. Sometimes, a doctor will give their patient compression garments after receiving liposuction in Beverly Hills. These articles are tight and compress the skin to reduce both swelling and bruising. They can also speed up recovery time so that you can see the results of your surgery sooner than usual.

Contact one of Spalding Plastic Surgery’s expert doctors for a personal consultation today.

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